
Happy New Year

The Brahma Purana holds that it was on a Gudi Padwa that Lord Brahma created the world again after a devastating deluge and time began to tick from this day forth.

Happy New Year

Gudi Padwa marks the beginning of New Year in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and parts of Karnataka. This festival is known as Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra and Ugadi in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Gudi Padwa signifies the beginning of Vasant or the Spring season.

The Brahma Purana holds that it was on a Gudi Padwa that Lord Brahma created the world again after a devastating deluge and time began to tick from this day forth. The day marks the start of Satyug (era of truth and justice). Gudi Padwa is said to be one of the 3 and a half days in the Indian Lunar calendar called ‘sade teen muhurt’. Every moment of this period is considered auspicious to start new ventures.

The word ‘padwa’ is derived from Pratipada, the first day of a lunar month or the first day after no-moon day (Amavasya). Gudi Padwa is specially dedicated to the worship of Lord Brahma. In Maharashtra, special flags known as ‘gudis’, also called ‘Brahmadhvaj’ or ‘the flag of Brahma’, are erected in honour of Lord Brahma.

A ‘gudi’ is a pole on the top of which an upturned brass or silver pot called a kalash is placed. The gudi is covered with a colourful silk cloth and decorated with marigold flowers, coconuts, and mango leaves that symbolise nature’s bounty. Gudi is worshipped by offering sandalwood paste, turmeric and vermilion. A popular belief is that the displaying of the gudi wards off evil and invites prosperity and good luck into the house.

People prepare for the New Year by cleaning and washing their houses and buying new clothes. On the festival day they decorate their houses with mango leaves and rangoli designs, and pray for a prosperous new year.  In Maharashtra, it is reminiscent of the valiant Marathas returning home from their successful expeditions of war.
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