
Assess how effective your time management skills are

Personal time management skills are essential for effective people. People who use these techniques routinely are the highest achievers in all walks of life, from business to sports to public service.

Assess how effective your time management skills are

Personal time management skills are essential for effective people. People who use these techniques routinely are the highest achievers in all walks of life, from business to sports to public service.

If you use these skills well, you will be able to function exceptionally well, even under intense pressure.

What’s more, as you master these skills, you’ll find that you take control of your workload and say goodbye to the often intense stress of work overload.

At the heart of time management is an important shift in focus: Concentrate on results, not on being busy.

Many people spend their days in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little, because they’re not concentrating their efforts on the things that matter the most.

Have you mastered the art of time management? Do you maintain an enjoyable, balanced life or are you frequently distracted and feel depleted at the end of the day? Are you as productive as you’d like to be or find that you have a never ending ‘To-do’ list? Do you effectively organise and manage your day or does your day run you? Begin with assessing your time management by checking how often the statements given below hold true for you:

1. I find it challenging to best manage my time and balance the activities throughout my day.
2.     I don’t have a mapped out path and a series of defined and measurable actions that I take daily and weekly that effortlessly move me toward my goals and where I want to be.
3.     I’m not as productive as I’d like to be.
4.    I’ve lost a sale or a customer due to poor follow-up or service.
5.    I often feel stressed, overwhelmed and overloaded with countless responsibilities that seem to keep piling up. I’m often busy with tasks that conume my energy and me rather than enhance me.
6.    My day runs me rather than me managing my day.
7.    I often feel like I’m fighting the clock and just can’t seem to “get it all done” because there’s never enough time.
8. I find that I produce irregular, sporadic results with a burst of energy or overexertion, rather than generating the momentum that produces consistent results from consistent daily actions.
9.     I arrive late for meetings and events because of my busy schedule.
10. My life and workspace feel cluttered and chaotic. There are areas in my life that can stand to become more organised.
11.I’m driven by distractions and interruptions. I allow myself to become easily diverted or distracted by situations, new tasks or people rather than maintain the focus on my goals and initial objective.
12.I don’t have a healthy, rewarding relationship with time. Time is my adversary rather than my ally.
13. I over commit and find myself unable to deliver on deadlines or follow through on the commitments I’ve made.
14. Things don’t happen as easily and as quickly as I’d like them to.
15. I sacrifice in order to achieve my goals. (Example: Personal time with family and friends for work related issues, not having time every day for leisurely, enjoyable activities or practicing self care.)
16. I don’t maintain a healthy and enjoyable balance in my personal and professional life.
17. I feel guilty saying ‘No’. It’s not easy for me.
18. My ‘To do’ list never seems to get completed regularly as scheduled and still keeps growing.
19. I find that I have loose ends and unfinished projects. I jump from one thing to the next.
20. I end my workdays feeling depleted and exhausted Vs. feeling productive and satisfied. This should give you a clear picture of how well you are managing your time.

Next week we will learn about various tools that you can use to effectively manage time. Until then remember: This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.

(The author is a corporate soft skills trainer and a motivational speaker)

