
Depicting the 'real' picture

Depicting the 'real'  picture

He is someone who’d  rather have his paintings convey the gritty realities and issues of life that assail  us than create something pretty.   Priyaranjan, a professor of architecture is showcasing his exhibition —  Creative and Camera in a bid to show people the real story of life.

What is your art philosophy?
Art and photography have always been my passion. As an artist, I am someone who likes to convey a message through my works, convey a story of life. The ill effects, the ups and downs and the utter beauty of it. In fact, as a professor of architecture, I also ask my students to follow art to perfect architecture.

Have you always been an artist or is it a passion that’s developed through the years?
I have always been an artist; brush strokes are the first thing I remember doing, followed by capturing memories through photography. I’m constantly interested in the message and the story that photos and paintings convey and the beauty they portray.

If your works could speak, what would  they say?

I’d let  my work speak for itself — it’s all about perception, the way people view it. According to me, it’s based on my life, the essence that is rapidly disappearing from earth, and the negativity we experience on a day to day basis.

So you love to dabble in...?

I’m into contemporary art, so my works can be perceived differently by different people. Most of my art is based on social issues and global warming. In my paintings, I have portrayed animals, especially the tiger which is close to extinction. My work also depicts my personal life, monuments and as well as spirituality.

As a professor of architecture, do you establish a connection with art and architecture?
Yes I certainly do. Most of my painting portray various monuments. In fact, as a professor of architecture, I also ask my students to pursue art to perfect architecture.

Catch Creative and Camera, at Venkatappa Art Gallery, Kasturba Road, October 12-17,  10am to 5pm 

