
Spirituality to me is working as hard as I possibly can

Spirituality to me means honestly following the path that I have chosen, whether it is do with my family or my goals at work or my relationships, and doing it to the fullest.

Spirituality to me is working as hard as I possibly can

Spirituality to me means honestly following the path that I have chosen, whether it is do with my family or my goals at work or my relationships, and doing it to the fullest. Spirituality to me means working as hard as I can and being true to my work and achieving new heights. 

Whilst I do not have one particular guru, I believe in all the people who ultimately stand for the same values. I have met Amma Amritanadamayi at Cochin and her simplicity, goodness and the fact that she devotes herself only to addressing and sharing other people’s problems make her unique.

I also believe in Shri Shri Ravi Shankar and in Robin Sharma’s leadership values.  I follow my own set of values and ethics in life and at work. When I’m extremely happy or sad I connect with my inner self to find answers to these emotional highs and lows. I start and end my day with listening to religious and spiritual chants which give me a sense of peace and calm. I say my prayers at bedtime each night and I thank God for keeping me and my family safe and happy and remind myself that whatever problems we may be facing at the time could have been far worse and more serious.

Even though as a doctor I am trained to take care of people’s skin, I believe in helping people beyond their skin problems. Mine is a holistic approach to life and health and therefore I can say that all my working hours are devoted to my spiritual side.

My upbringing was laden with ethics such as punctuality, honesty and generosity. We were taught the importance of prayers and were disciplined in every way. So, right from the beginning, spiritual seeds were sown in our minds and hearts. Today in this competitive world, there being a challenge at every step in life, this training comes in handy to face and handle challenges. And when things fall into place because of these values and ethics, it increases my faith in their power even more.

— Jamuna Pai, cosmetic physician

