
Relationship queries answered

Clinical Psychologist/Author addresses your concerns about children.

Relationship queries answered

I have a two-year-old daughter. Looking at the competitive world, I want her to cope with pressure. Please tell me how to enhance my child’s intelligence. My daughter is very bright and I have enrolled her in nearby playschool.
Neeta K

Dear Neeta,
All children are born with an innate intelligence which can be modified to a limited extent. Provide  a loving, sensitive, warm environment to the child. All children are unique in their own way and have different potentials, so make sure you never compare your child with anyone. The child should be encouraged to ask questions. Have lively conversations with her each day. Take her to visit various places of interest.

Sensory experiences are where intellectual development begins. Avoid keeping unrealistic expectation from your child, that may hamper your child’s growth. Keep a variety of toys and books on lower shelves where your child can reach them. Introduce new toys one at a time. Too many toys can over-stimulate a child. Make sure your child is on the right kind of diet. Consult your paediatrician for any vitamins if required.

My 16-year-old kid talks to himself at times. He doesn’t even know or realise that he’s doing it. We are worried about this.     
Mrs Rajani

Dear Mrs Rajani,
It is seen that a teen who talks to himself may be emotionally disturbed. Is he an introvert? Does he communicate his feelings? Is any one of the parent domineering by attitude? I would like to know the answers to these questions. A teen who talks to himself is often struggling with a low self-esteem. Talking to himself is a indication that he has either created a fantasy world for himself or is he carving  ways to vent out his emotions.

Having internal dialogue is not wrong, but saying it aloud is something that needs to be addressed. Very calmly, make him aware that he is talking to himself. Also make sure he is not suffering from any kind of rejection and neglect by peers or teachers. When he is talking to you, listen, but avoid giving your views. Take help of a psychologist who is equipped to handle such cases.

