
Rick's Ramblings: A hookup isn’t a relationship

It’s high time people understand the difference and not create havoc for themselves and for others

Rick's Ramblings: A hookup isn’t a relationship

It’s a pure sex-aster (sexual disaster) when someone mistakes sex and sweet-talk for an actual  relationship. I recently observed that some people seem to actually mistake great hookups as great relationships and then the story gets messy. Turns out some people after generally hooking up with someone for a while, start assuming they are in a relationship.

Well, I agree with the concept of a ‘relationship’ is subjective, but I definitely think it’s more than just regular hooking up, well, it has to be more than that, right? See, I understand sex is a need and hookups are a reality, no matter how much you wanna say, you don’t understand the concept of random sex ‘having sex is deep and meaningful blah blah blah’, but you and I both know that deep meaningful core-shaking sex with that one person is rare. However, in the absence of ‘the one’, we all need simple, good sex at least once in three days, if not thrice everyday (wink wink) and if you’re getting it from one person, why not? But it definitely doesn’t mean you turn it into a relationship, it’s ridiculous, but some people seem to believe that’s it, ‘I touched your pee-pee for a week and now you are stuck to me for eternity’. Scary, right?

You wanted sex, I wanted sex so we had sex, it’s simple and it was good so we went on having it for some time but that is it. It’s simple, no way does it mean we owe each other anything except for multiple orgasms maybe, but some people magically assume this continuous hookup is a relationship and that’s when trouble begins in the paradise. They end up feeling dejected, betrayed and God knows what else and in case they find out the other person has moved on to hooking up with someone else, which again is a reality and a possibility, hell breaks loose because it looks to them as if they have been dumped and cheated on. They go mental, which, in a way, is ridiculous, but I have seen it happen... Random sex and a smoke afterward isn’t a relationship and doesn’t give anyone the right to anything, especially the right to go all out mental and vindictive and ruin things for the other person. The concept of a relationship is deeper than just sex and bedroom sweet talk and if you don’t know the difference, it’s not the other person’s fault. It’s high time people understand the difference and not create havoc for themselves and for others.

This column is dedicated to a friend and all other victims of this ‘sex-aster’.

