
Super daddies to the rescue

We mummies are super mummies only because we have super men as daddies supporting us with the responsibility of bringing up the child in today’s crazy, busy world.

Super daddies to the rescue

I remember when I was a child that my father was very caring and loving towards his children, and he continues to be that. But if you asked him which grade his kids were in, he would helplessly look at my mother. Attending Parent Teacher Meetings was always my mother’s responsibility. Anything with regard to our growing up years — whether it was extracurricular classes or outdoor trips — were decisions taken by my mother first followed by him. Bringing up a child was a mother’s domain, he would say, while he would involve himself whenever disciplining us was concerned. This was just not my father but lots of friends’ dads too.

But when I look around me today, right from my husband to other daddies I interact with, are as involved in bringing up the child as the mother. I have met so many men who eagerly look forward to participating in the entire process of bringing up the kids. So whether it is buying feeding bottles or diapers or baby clothes, the new-age daddies do not hesitate in sharing that responsibility of parenting.

Gone are the days when dads were usually looked at as the breadwinner and the disciplinarian. Today’s dad is the more involved and participative in his responsibility. While a mother’s role plays a very important role in a child’s life, we must also keep in mind that fathers are usually the role models to their kids whether we think of it or not. A girl who spends time with a loving father grows up knowing she deserves to be treated with respect by men. Fathers can teach sons what is important in life by demonstrating honesty, confidence and responsibility.

It is a happy sight to see dads at school to pick up their kids, or drop their kids for an activity, attend PTMs, Annual Day, Sports Day, etc. When I see a dad single-handedly managing his ward at a public place like a mall, or buying grocery for the house at a food store, it brings a new sense of respect for the man!

I have interacted with such new age dads on social media platforms too who have sought opinions on a good place to take their child for an outing, seeking doctors, and schools to send their child to. They share photos of their child’s annual day performance or anything new that the child has come up with. That is the level of involvement today and that is definitely a good sign. Today’s dad is definitely more confident and comfortable in his role, has no fear of sharing his emotions where his child is concerned or doesn’t try to be macho by hiding his vulnerability.

Maybe this is the story of dads in urban cities, maybe because with both parents working and living in a nuclear family, the responsibility of bringing up a child is shared. Whatever the reasons for this I do see it as a process of evolvement. So if you are a father reading this and you are a lot like what I have described as a ‘new age dad’, then please take a bow, and if you aren’t do remember it is never too late to loosen up with this area of responsibility.

We mummies are super mummies only because we have super men as daddies supporting us with the responsibility of bringing up the child in today’s crazy, busy world.

