
Walnuts 'help control diabetes'

Just try out walnuts -- it may help control the condition, say researchers.

Walnuts 'help control diabetes'

Are you a diabetic? Just try out walnuts -- it may help control the condition, say researchers.

A new study has revealed that eating foods with the right kind of fats, such as walnuts, can help control type 2 diabetes in people suffering from the condition, the European
Journal of Clinical Nutrition

In their study, the researchers at the University of Wollongong found that 50 overweight people with non-insulin treated diabetes following a well balanced low fat diet for
nearly a year.

They found the group that were given 30 grams of walnuts a day had more of the good fats in their diets than those who followed a low fat diet alone.

According to lead researcher Professor Linda Tapsell, both groups ate healthy diets and had low intakes of saturated fats, but the walnut group had more unsaturated fats. Most of the effects were seen in the first three months.

"As whole foods, the walnuts also delivered fibre vitamin E and other components with anti oxidant activity. The walnut group also showed improvements in insulin levels and
this may have been due to the presence of good fats in the diet," she said.

"Eating low fat is good but this study shows that including key foods that deliver the right type of fat -- in this case walnuts -- is also important," Prof Tapsell added.

The latest research confirms earlier studies conducted through the university highlighting the benefits to be gained by harnessing the "good" oils from walnuts which are rich in
polyunsaturated fats, Omega oils and vitamins.

