
'The Artist, Hugo' lead Oscar nominations

Joining The Artist and Hugo in the competition for the best movie Oscar are nine films, including The Descendants, The Help, Midnight in Paris, Moneyball, The Tree of Life, War Horse, and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

'The Artist, Hugo' lead Oscar nominations


Silent-era film The Artist and Martin Scorsese's Hugo led the pack of Oscar nominees on Tuesday, including one nod for each in the best film category, in the race for the world's top film honors.


Joining The Artist and Hugo in the competition for the best movie Oscar are nine films, including The Descendants, The Help, Midnight in Paris, Moneyball, The Tree of Life, War Horse, and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.

Nominees for best actor included George Clooney for The Descendants, Jean Dujardin in The Artist, Brad Pitt for Moneyball, Gary Oldman in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and Demian Bichir in A Better Life. Best actress nominees were led by Meryl Streep portraying former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady, Glenn Close in a gender-bending role in Albert Nobbs, Viola Davis for The Help, Rooney Mara in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Michelle Williams in My Week with Marilyn.

The Oscars are given out by year the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and this year winners will be named at a gala ceremony in Hollywood on February 26.

