
Teen girls choose 'Harry Potter’s' Hermione as role model

Nearly four in five girls in the UK voted the book and movie character played by Emma Watson, 20, as their top role model.

Teen girls choose 'Harry Potter’s' Hermione as role model

Teenage girls would rather be Harry Potter’s Hermione than Cheryl Cole or Katy Perry, a survey has revealed.

Nearly four in five voted the book and movie character played by Emma Watson, 20, as their top role model.

A huge 87% of 18,000 youngsters aged 12 to 20 said they would rather be known for their brains than looks, reports the Sun.

Asda, which ran the survey, said a "sensible" blazer similar to Hermione's is "flying off the shelves".

A spokesman for the supermarket giant said, "Our customers love Hermione's style. We have had to order in more blazers."

