
‘SRK, Salman, Aamir don’t bother with number game, says Deepika

Actor Deepika Padukone, who has her plate full at the moment isn’t worried about competition.

‘SRK, Salman, Aamir don’t bother with number game, says Deepika

Actor Deepika Padukone, who has her plate full at the moment isn’t worried about competition. The model-turned-actor claims that she doesn’t get hassled by the number game. Says Deepika, “I don’t get bothered with this so called number game. I want to do good work and get appreciated by my fans and audiences, which for me are more important than any numbers.  Look at Shah Rukh, Salman, Aamir —they  don’t get caught in the number game, which is why even after two decades they still are the top-selling stars in the industry.”

She further adds that the definition of being competitive is different for every one. For her it is something that pushes her to do better than her last performance. “It is healthy and I therefore do not feel pressured by competition. Besides, I am happy that just in a span of four years I have been able to maintain the standard. Very few stars are in the top league and I feel  glad that I  am also considered a part of it. Being a sportsman’s daughter, I believe in one adage, ‘its easy to be a winner but difficult to maintain it.’ So if I have been able to balance this then guess I am going the right way,” she adds. 

