
Sikh family stars in new British reality show

The Grewals are a typical Indian joint family, with three generations living under the same roof.

Sikh family stars in new British reality show

The Grewals are a typical Indian joint family, with three generations living under the same roof. But they are also the new stars of a British reality show, with 28 cameras following their every move.

The 8-member-family has opened it's doors to the cameras of Channel 4's superhit fly-on-the-wall documentary series The Family, reported Daily Mail online.

The show revolves around the daily workings of the family while exploring the controversial issues of caste, arranged marriages, attitudes to women and family estrangement.

"I think the film captures both the big issues and the intimate moments of family life and I hope everyone will enjoy spending time with the Grewals in the same way I have," said the show's director David Clews.

The Grewal family have been filmed over eight weeks, with cameras capturing their every move, including the birth of a baby and a big Indian wedding. The head of the family is 54-year-old Arvinderjeet Singh Grewal who was born in Nairobi, Kenya. A former actor in both Punjabi films and theatre, he now works as a coach driver.

His wife Sarbjit Grewal, 55, was born in Punjab, India. She is regarded as the "glue of the family" and shows her love through cooking.The eight-part series, focuses on the lead-up to the wedding of the couple's eldest son Mandeep, 33, and his bride Gursharonjit, 24.

The show charts the emotions of Gursharonjit, who has been boycotted by her family because they do not approve of Mandeep, who works as a security officer. The show also charts the pregnancy of the Grewals' daughter, Gurdip, 32, who is expecting her second child.

She is married to Jitender Singh Chaudhary, 36, a professional puppeteer and former actor who gave up his career in India to be with her in Britain. The couple, who have a two-year-old daughter, Bhavika, live near the Grewals but move in as they await the birth of their son.

Also in the house is youngest son Tejind Grewal, 23, who runs a part-time DJ business, while working at the Heathrow airport.

Channel 4 is expecting to attract both the Indian diaspora as well as the British audience with the show. "Following the success of last year's series, we are lucky to have found another brilliant family through whose eyes we can experience the highs and lows of family life," said Simon Dickson, deputy head of documentaries.

