
Paris Hilton tries to steal the show at the Golden Globes

The erstwhile hotel heiress seemed to be outshone by socialite Kim Kardashian, who also showed up at the Globes after-parties.

Paris Hilton tries to steal the show at the Golden Globes

TV reality star Kim Kardshian was the butt of all jokes at the Golden Globes and even host Ricky Gervais's opening segment at the Globes started off with a snide remark aimed at her.

But undaunted, Kim outdid socialite Paris Hilton by showing up at a handful of after parties even though one could not find her on the confirmed guest list of at least two of them. Kim was particularly visible at the Weinstein Company’s party and the InStyle Golden Globe after-party.

Kim’s conversation-partner seemed to be troubled star Lindsay Lohan who chose to be at her side most of the time at the Weinstein Company celebration.

“Lindsay chatted up with Kim for a long time. They were seen sharing a glass of champagne. They  made sure that they did the rounds of the filmmakers present there hoping that somebody would fancy them in their next film,” said one of the facility managers who was also acting as an informer for the US tabloids.

The other notable face at every party was, who else, but Paris, who got a rousing reception when she visited India sometime back. However, here she just seemed part of the crowd.

“She was just there pouting and posing at the camera, but nobody really cared about her at the parties. She was just there saying ‘hi’ to everybody. I won’t be able to confirm whether she was on the guest list or not,” said one of the facility managers.

So, when it came to just partying — the trio scored over everybody else, though judging by the reaction of the US press and the gathered fans, it was surely Kim who can be declared as a safe winner. Perhaps what did the trick was her divorce case with Chris Humphries which is being played out on every gossip show here.

