
Original plan for making 'Twilight' movies was to completely change book

Producer Mark Morgan has revealed that the original plan for the making of the Twilight movies was to completely change Stephenie Meyer's best-selling teen romance novels.

Original plan for making 'Twilight' movies was to completely change book

Producer Mark Morgan has revealed that the original plan for the making of the Twilight movies was to completely change Stephenie Meyer's best-selling teen romance novels.

According to an interview posted on late Thursday, Morgan said that before the series became a worldwide sensation, Paramount picked up the rights to the script and wanted to rip apart the seams of the narrative.

"They had Bella fighting back. They had her father dying in one of the scripts, actually, and becoming a vampire in the first movie. There were a lot of weird things," the New York Post quoted him as saying.
The films have made stars of Stewart, brooding vampire Robert Pattinson and oft-shirtless werewolf Taylor Lautner.

"They would have gone for something bigger," Morgan said of the original plan.

"Boys. More of their drafts literally had a Korean FBI agent who was hunting and tracking vampires across the coast.

"There was SWAT in the trees and literally it was like, 'Red leader, red leader 1' and the vampires were picking them out of the woods," he said.

Morgan said he was glad that Summit Entertainment wound up developing the series, which received mixed reviews from critics for its slow pace and wooden acting.

"[The fans] would have killed us," he admitted. "They would have stoned us," he added.

The more faithful movie adaptions have grossed nearly 2dollars billion at the worldwide box office over three flicks.

The two-part finale, Breaking Dawn, is due out beginning next year.

