
John Mayer hopes new album will end dating rumours

Singer John Mayer says his new album will give him a new reason to grace the tabloid columns other than his dating exploits.

John Mayer hopes new album will end dating rumours

Singer John Mayer insists he is relieved to release another album - as it will give him a new reason to grace the tabloid columns other than his dating exploits.

The 32-year-old singer has been under constant media attention due to a string of relationships with actresses Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Mayer says he is sick of seeing his face on magazine covers - and is glad his upcoming disc Battle Studies will let press focus on his music too.

"I really worried about the overexposure of my face and life, and was concerned if my music would still affect people," the Daily Express quoted Mayer as saying.

"I've never liked that image. In terms of the real me, the one who plays music and the other one on covers of magazines, well one of those things comes from me and another comes from other people.

"It's nice to have full ownership of me again. I now know that I should never worry about it again. I can't tell you the weight that's been lifted off my shoulder," he added.

