
‘I prefer to dress my buildings rather than myself’

Ashish Raheja, MD, K Raheja Universal, is a stickler for time management: he has his gym, wardrobe and shower close to each other, so he does not waste time.

‘I prefer to dress my buildings rather than myself’
Wardrobe Arrest
Ashish Raheja, MD, K Raheja Universal
Neat freak: This very eligible bachelor is surprisingly super-efficient. In fact Ashish is such a stickler for time management that he has his gym, his wardrobe and his shower close to each other, so he does not waste time zipping from one end to the other. And guess what? He even prefers to gulp his water straight from the bottle rather than waste time pouring it out of the jug! Ashish relies on his maid of 20 years to keep his wardrobe tidy. “I want things to be organised as that leads to time efficiency when picking what to wear. My deadlines at work are in hours not in dates.”
Eye-catching: His collection of ties in every colour - lilacs, pinks, blue, black. He has over 50 ties to suit every battle in the boardroom. “I just love ties!” he exclaims.
Passed over: His black Luxor pen which has seen him through many an agreement for the last 13 years. “No other brand will do,” he says. It seems to be a good luck charm for this very energetic go-getter.
Taking stock: He keeps a set of his gym clothes everywhere possible. His wardrobe is full of perfectly matching suits.
Seasonal must-haves: His grey jeans are a bare necessity for him. “They can pass off as formal trousers. Often, I don’t have time to change from casual to formal,” he admits.
Definitely passable: Nothing over the top, nothing shiny or in satin, no chunky belts, no sunglasses in the dark. “I prefer to dress my buildings rather than myself.”
Patronising: Classic Giorgio Armani suits and Arjun Khanna’s Indian wear. “I am not too fussy about my shirts. I have a general standard - durable, functional and not FLASHY! Anything from lilac to pastels will do.”
Quirky: Tazmanian Devil socks by Warner Bros. “No one else can see it but me. But I still wear them sometimes.”
Steal worthy: His attitude and commitment to work, his sensitivity towards his staff and his innate charm. 
The writer is a grooming consultant

