
I'm here to be the best actor of India

Viveik Oberoi's frankspeak with Khalid Mohamed

I'm here to be the best actor of India

He emerges from a Juhu bookshop, bag packed with Jhumpa Lahiri, Kiran Nagarkar and F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. We repair to a seaface, talk bestsellers, remember the days when he dubbed for the angrezi version of Satya and the Hindi dubs of The Rock, Jurassic Park and Babe. He studied drama in England. And has this flair for sparking reams and reams of news as much for his private life as his professional. Ergo, the question:

Tell me what I don't know about you already.
Okay, let's see..I was a star kid who idolised his dad (Suresh Oberoi) but didn't use him as a key to a career. My first stage role was that of the wolf in Red Riding Hood.

Then I did my B.Com from Mithibai College but wouldn't tell anyone my surname. I was acting in the minor role of a tribal chieftain's bodyguard in the play Mahakaal. I was fidgeting in the rehearsal and the director, Mahesh Jadhav, threw his shoe at me. I got my act together and only played lead roles from thereon.

Why does Ram Gopal Varma, who introduced you to the movies, still bitch about you majorly?
I've nothing bad to say about him. I call him Godfather and always will. I've asked him, “Have I done something wrong?” He says no, so I let it be.

There are negative vibes about you in showbiz circles. Is there a lobby against you?
If there is a lobby, I'd celebrate that by popping champagne, I'd feel like Satan dancing in red shoes. See, I'm not here to be a nice guy or win a popularity contest. I'm here to be the best actor of India. And I'm taking the first steps towards that direction. It doesn't matter where you are but where you are going. And I know that I'm headed for the top.

How? With Saif Ali Khan stealing the thunder in Omkara?
To stand out I must be part of a crowd.

How could you make a statement at the Cannes festival that the film is better than Shakespeare's original?
What I said is that in my very humble opinion the Indian youth would perhaps relate with a contemporary adaptation than the original. That statement was irresponsibly shortened in print.

I've been told that you interfere with shot takings, to the extent of telling Mani Ratnam how to do the lighting.
Mani sir is god, I feel very close to him. How can I even dare to tell him what to do? He guided me through Saathiya, I was honoured to be cast in Yuva..I was supposed to do Guru, I met him and we mutally decided that it would be better if I didn't.

Meaning, nothing.

Could it be because Abhishek Bachchan has the stronger role?
Of course not, I disdain being perceived that way. Abhishek is senior to me, I've been around for four years, he's been there for six. He's a good actor, I'd work with him anytime.

Do you have any friends..or enemies?
I've learnt to remain disconnected. I may not have many friends in the industry but I don't give anyone the privilege of being my enemy either.

How come your directors have rarely repeated you in their projects? Could it because of your interference?
I don't have the time or the talent to interfere. As for being repeated, after Company Ramu sir (Road, Darna Mana Hai) repeated me. So did Indra Kumar (Masti, Pyaare Mohan) – obviously because there was a comfort zone between us. After Kaal, Soham offered me his next project but the part was too brief.

Tell me, how could you write an inane script like Kyun? Ho Gaya Na!
I didn't write it. It's too long a story to get into which might embarrass others. The day I write a script, I'll be very proud of its success or demise.

How could you walk up to Amitabh Bachchan on the sets of Kyun?..and call him dude?
Utter rubbish. Amitji is my father's senior, I would always stand up in his presence and offer him a chair. I would do that also for AK Hangal sir. It's just not in my upbringing to slight any senior, I observe the right decorum before my elders.

Would you say you're misunderstood?
If I am, then I'm an interesting and complex guy. If I was transparent, then I would be too lightweight. The last thing I want to be is a flake. If at a first meeting, you were to read me like an open book, where would be my depth? I get gooseflesh just thinking of playing the role of Howard Roark (The Fountainhead) some day. I'm a very greedy, very hungry actor. I'm the real rockstar.

Doesn't another actor make that claim too?
I don't know him.

How would you assess yourself today?
As an actor, I'm always critical of myself. I don't like myself in Company. But I really like my work in Yuva. The ultimate compliment came from Mani sir when he said that I'd surprised him.

As for my private life, I'm happy. What's there not to be happy about?

Do you ever regret your press conference against Salman Khan?
(Grins) It was a silly mistake, it will always haunt me. It was a fabulous mistake. I would never do it again even for the most beautiful woman in the world.

Aishwarya Rai.
No comments. It's fair to use two words for two words.

What motivated you to visit Salman Khan's family when he was arrested in Jodhpur?
That came from my heart. I told dad I would like to go and see Salman's mother in hospital. God forbid if anything should ever happen to my mum, he'll be there for me. (Laughs)  I've just bought myself a house near Bandra Bandstand, and I can see his house every day from my balcony.

Life's too short for warring over anyone..and all that..
Right. You said it, not me.

