
Eva Longoria desperate to beat hubby in charity celeb scavenger hunt

The ‘Desperate Housewives’ star told reporters in Hollywood that she’d definitely win the hunt this summer.

Eva Longoria desperate to beat hubby in charity celeb scavenger hunt

Eva Longoria Parker is confident that she’ll beat husband Tony Parker when they go head-to-head in a celebrity scavenger hunt to raise money for charity.

The ‘Desperate Housewives’ star told reporters in Hollywood that she’d definitely win the hunt this summer.

"My husband will be in the rally and he's going down, I just wanted to make that public," the Mirror quoted her as saying.

Gene Simmons, Vanessa Williams and William Baldwin are all slated to be celeb navigators at the Rally For Kids With Cancer event, which will take place in July.

"Basically anybody can enter a car and you raise money. The person that raises the most money get to draft their celebrity first. If they're smart they'll pick me! They get to spend the entire day with that celebrity and figure out clues, run all over Los Angeles trying to complete tasks and answer riddles,” explained Eva.

She added: "I love this event. Every time we have celebrity navigators we literally have a surplus, because every celebrity wants to participate in such a fun weekend and at the same time raise funds for kids with cancer.”

"It's really, really competitive and it just ends up being a really fun day. Of course, I'm reigning champion of LA and Miami!" she said.

