
If you feel sexy inside, then it will show outside: Daisy Shah

Actress Daisy Shah on her quick and easy beauty routine

If you feel sexy inside, then it will show outside: Daisy Shah

What's in your make-up bag?
I usually carry a moisturiser, perfume, lip balm and a cheek tint.

Describe your skincare routine
I'm lucky to be blessed with good skin but I always ensure that my skin is well hydrated and moisturise regularly. I also cleanse my face with a good face wash and drink lots of water.

What's your go-to beauty look for a red carpet event?
I believe less is more. For a red carpet event, I usually define my eyes since they are a little small. It's important to enhance your features.

What do you think is sexy, beauty-wise?
I think it's all about how you feel – if you feel sexy inside, then it will show on the outside.

Any idols growing up?
My mom, because she always has great skin and hair. Also Kareena Kapoor as she has really good skin and can get away with almost no make-up.

What are some tips you've taken from beauty artists and use daily?
For the day, you should keep the look fresh. I just use a cheek tint to add some colour to my face.

What's the weirdest thing you've tried in the name of beauty?
When I was in school, I would use a roller brush to curl my hair inwards. Once, the brush got stuck in my hair and I had to chop off my hair with a knife. It was a total disaster!

What product do you turn to for a beauty boost?
Kiehls Midnight Recovery Concentrate – it's the ultimate solution for bad skin.

Do you have a signature fragrance?
I am addicted to Still by JLo and am also fond of Daisy by Marc Jacobs

Do you gravitate toward a lip colour and if so, which shade?
I generally prefer a lip balm or chapstick with a red tint.

Do you think it's important to stick with a signature look?
No, I think one should try out different looks. Experimenting can be difficult though and I'm personally hesitant.

What's the best beauty advice you've ever received?
No matter how late it is, always remove your make-up before sleeping or else your skin will breakout. Also drink lots of water.

