
Tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse

Tips on how to survive a zombie apocalypse

Zombies have a rich history in comic books, in TV shows and in apocalyptic films. So, of course, it is inevitable that one shall be in our future. But fear not! We have you covered on tips to survive the age of the undead.

Learn to recognise zombies

This should be pretty obvious but considering how many careless humans we see get bitten by zombies, let's give you a refresher on this crucial life skill. Zombies are usually seen in raggedy clothes walking their stilted walk. For easy identification, if it looks and smells like decaying flesh and seems hungry for your brains, then...

Keep emergency supplies at hand

Keep a box of emergency supplies ready that would see you through the next few weeks as the world around you falls apart. Take care to include essentials such as water, energy bars, ready to eat packaged or canned food, a first aid kit, flashlights, warm clothing, blanket, batteries, rope, a knife, matchsticks and a radio. Your supplies should be packed into an easy to carry bag such as a backpack making it easier to run for your life.

Escape Plan

Have an escape plan chalked out. You could hide out in your house or move to another location. Where you are located and how inundated it is zombies will determine your course of action. Have a map of the area in hand to figure out the best way to escape. Look for possible hideouts near sources of water and food. 

Appropriate Attire 

What better way to be seen running away from zombies than in comfortable shoes. It would also help to cover as much skin as possible. Wear long sleeve shirts with pants and leather gloves and jackets to shield from zombie bites.

Learn to live off your surroundings

From foraging for food to being able to tell directions without a compass, you'll have to learn to survive without your phone. Learn to identify what plants are edible and safe to eat. Channel your inner Katniss and learn to set up traps and snares to catch small animals you can eat. As your supplies dwindle knowing how to purifying water will become a handy skill.


When cornered with no escape, you're going to have to get your hands dirty. Being a good shot will help. Popular zombie killing weapons are machetes, shotguns and action bolt rifles. In a pinch, knives should buy you time. Aim for the brains!

Channels of communication

Through radios and walkie talkies, set up means of communication with friends. Use a previously agreed upon frequency to keep track of each other and know how to find it each other. 

And if none of this works and you become a zombie, well then...


For a taste of the zombie apocaplyse, watch World War Z on HBO on Sunday, October 12th at 1pm and 9pm.

