
'Reading in bed is a strict no-no'

Our fitness expert answers questions related to workouts and exercise.

'Reading in bed is a strict no-no'

Our fitness expert answers questions related to workouts and exercise.

> I am a 35-year-old man and I have just started exercising after being advised to do so by my doctor as I am slightly overweight and have a family history of heart disease. I have started out by brisk walking around my neighborhood and I also plan to buy a cycle so that I can do odd chores around the house on the cycle. But I find that I get breathless after even a short walk and I also get a sharp pain in my side if I walk too quickly. How do I increase my stamina so that I can get the required amount of exercise every day?
—Satish MP, Jivan Bhima Nagar

Since you are new to exercise you have to slowly build your workout routine and not rush it. You have to apply certain training principles to benefit and sustain your workshops. These principles are called FITT: frequency, intensity, time and type. This allows your body to get conditioned and adaptation takes place. This will make you stronger and allow you to sustain the workout; your body will respond to the positive stress placed and will show physiological and benefits.

Health benefits are seen immediately even with 20 minutes of walking every day with increased efficiency of heart and lungs, reduced cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, more energy and improved sense of well-being, improved quality of sleep, improved ability to cope with stress, increased mental acuity, improved appearance, improved self-image, more stamina, increased productivity and physical capabilities and improved immunity to minor illnesses.

I like your idea of you buying a cycle to do small chores ; it not only burns calories, it also keeps you fit and builds your lower body strength and improves mobility of your joints and ankles. Your breathlessness is due to introducing too much too early. Please go steady. Work on the first principle, ie frequency. Start with weekly three sessions of 15 minutes walking on alternate days and walk at your comfort level without pushing yourself and then slowly introduce the next variable. ie intensity and push yourself little harder and try to move from your comfort zone. Stick to this for a week to 10 days and when you begin to feel that it is getting easy, increase your walking time to 30 minutes and lastly add variations to your walk — add a little jog, run make it brisk etc., building it slowly to 40- 60 minutes over a period of time. To rule out asthma and wheezing, check with your doctor about your breathlessness.

The sharp pain you experience in the shin area is typically known as beginner’s pain and this will settle down as adaption takes place and you become stronger. Introducing strength training will further burn calories even while you are sitting and will make you strong, build your bone density and muscle mass and keep you injury free. Food is your fuel. So eat wise and eat right. A balanced nutritious diet consisting of protein, healthy carbs, vitamins and minerals with plenty of water will turn you into a healthy strong fit individual.

> I am an avid reader and I love reading in bed. I cannot change this habit as it’s one of long duration and no matter what kind of chair I try, nothing is as comfortable as reading in bed. However, these days I have started getting a pain in my lower back if I sit and read reclined in bed, which is my favourite position. What should I do to relieve this?
— Charu, Bangalore

Lying down in bed and reading has always been discouraged by our elders right from our childhood as poor reading habits will lead to back pain  and strain your eyes. Long hours spent in the same position will further stiffen the back and the other joints and muscles. And the lack of an exercise routine consisting of cardio, strength and flexibility exercises will further aggravate the problem.
The ergonomics of reading a book is simple: it’s the relationship of your eyes, head and the book position. And with lying down and reading it’s just not happening. I suggest that you immediately adopt a new reading style. Spend less time reading in your favorite position. Switch to a sitting position no matter how much you dislike it to save your back. Get a well cushioned chair with a good back rest which should support you from your head to the tail-bone. To unlearn or learn a habit takes about 21 days, so give it a chance. Taking short breaks every now and then will loosen the stiff muscles and joints a small walk break or water breaks will be a good idea.

You can further strengthen your back by performing the exercises above (see box) and stretch. Do these exercises every day for 4-5 minutes.

Wanitha Ashok is the founder of Moving Body chain of fitness centres and is a trained expert


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