
Don’t fear pain

All living beings are afraid of pain. You will find that people don’t fear death as much as they fear the pain they may undergo at the time of death.

Don’t fear pain
All living beings are afraid of pain. You will find that people don’t fear death as much as they fear the pain they may undergo at the time of death. Many are afraid of poverty, many of relationships failing, and others of disease. The root cause of all these fears is the pain that accompanies them. All these fears are because of the fear of pain.
Pain can be physical, mental or emotional. Physical pain is a basic necessity for the body. If we felt no bodily pain, we would constantly hurt ourselves accidentally.

Actually, pain is a letter of request, written by the body to the mind, saying, “Please pay attention to me!” Actually, attention is all about energy. When attention is given to a particular area, that attention receives energy. When the body communicates pain, it is actually asking for attention or energy, which will help it heal.

Mental or emotional pain is the psychological feeling that arises when you are faced with something you don’t like. Research shows that emotional pain can deeply disturb the physical body. For example, the psychological feelings that arise with sexual repression can result in lower back disorders, or the pain of shouldering too much responsibility can cause pain in the shoulders.

Whether pain is physical or emotional, it is always born from resistance to the present moment. After a painful incident in your life — the loss of a child, betrayal by a spouse, the breakup of a close friendship — you suffer, but slowly you accept it. You may cry and brood through many days and nights, but then you come to accept things. Time is needed for healing because you are not ready at the time of the incident to face the pain and suffering in a conscious and aware manner.

However, the pain is not completely gone from your system. If you come across a person who even distantly reminds you of your lost child or husband, the wound becomes fresh again. It hurts because you carry the past. Because of this, life becomes too heavy a burden to bear.

You choose to hold on to your entire past with all its experiences, pains and mistakes. The load of emotions associated with the past is what causes you pain each time you experience it. If you decided to drop the past and looked at every situation with a fresh eye, you would not have so much pain. You would heal instantly. 

The author is a spiritual guru

