Ranjona Banerji

Ranjona Banerji

It has always intrigued me, this having a blog thing. Is it a diary that for some inexplicable reason I want everyone to read? Is it a way of sharing random thoughts that my gmail status message or facebook wall can?t cover? Is it a way of having something to say that doesn?t find the space in the spaces where I already say what I want to say? Is it just an exercise in rampant egotism, in self-glorification, in showing off?

See, I don?t know. I don?t know why other people do it, though I do often enjoy reading what they have to say. This, then is an exploration. Books, music, food, television, might find their way in. So will news and politics, one way or the other. Maybe the way a newspaper functions, may be some defence of the media in these times when we are blamed for everything (how important we sound), may be a little poking fun at people and things.

Or, it just might be about all my pet peeves.

