
Inner Truth: Everyone’s a Teacher

Inner Truth: Everyone’s a Teacher

It’s rarely a surprise to learn that successful people are lifelong learners. But what many people don’t realise is that successful people are also usually teachers, as well. High achievers often teach from a place of service. They know that the information they have may be exactly what someone else needs to achieve a goal. Because they have an abundance mindset, they recognize that by freely sharing what they know, their generosity will be returned tenfold by the Universe.

But teaching can also benefit you directly by helping you develop a deeper understanding and mastery of a topic. To share what you’ve learned, you must clarify your ideas, confront inconsistencies in your own thinking, and more closely walk your talk. Most importantly, teaching requires you to read, study and speak the information repeatedly, which reinforces your own learning.

The author is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul®


