
Express gratitude through Yagna

Any activity done without 'selfishness', without 'carelessness' and 'ego', can become a Karma Yoga - a state of blissful action.

Express gratitude through Yagna

All of us have seen or heard about a religious ceremony called 'Yagna' or 'Homa', in which we give oblation in an altar of fire. However, very few of us understand the philosophy behind this activity.

In Bhagwad Gita, there is a beautiful explanation of Yagna philosophy. We have been gifted with so many precious elements - water, earth, fire, air and space, because of which our life is sustained. Fortunately, all these are given to us free as part of the nature. Yagna is a way to express our gratitude to those demigods who are believed to be the benevolent providers of all these natural elements. By appeasing them, we are likely to be blessed with such bountiful nature in future as well. Yagna symbolises sacrifice, it is never performed alone. All are invited, and whoever comes will also give at least one 'Anjali' (oblation) in the altar as a token of sacrifice.

Extending this concept, it is explained in scriptures that this world is also like a Yagna being performed, a co-operative venture, which has been made possible because of contribution of many. So, in the Yagna of this world, we have to give our sacrifice in two ways. The one way of doing this is to play our part properly to make this world a better place to live in. Those who do nothing and enjoy life out of accumulated wealth are showing disrespect towards the Yagna of this world. Second way of making a sacrifice is to give away a part of what we have to other underprivileged people. Those who do not share their acquisitions with others are only thieves, as Lord Krishna categorically says in the Gita.

So, welcome to this Yagna of the world venture. You are free to use this pious occasion to earn some 'poonya karma' by giving some sacrifice as an expression of gratitude to all others who have also worked hard to make this world so comfortable for you.

Karma Yoga does not necessarily mean doing 'niskam karma' (giving free service) only. Any work can become 'karma yoga', if certain basic tenets are followed. The first tenet is that whatever activity we do should not be against the normally accepted socio-ethical code of conduct of a society. Not deceiving people, not appropriating anyone else's rights and not harming others among other such practices/beliefs are all part of this. The second tenet of 'karma yoga' is that whatever role we have chosen to play in life or which God has given to us should be performed most diligently, without any laxity and with utmost care. The third tenet of 'karma yoga' is that our focus should be mainly on the present activity on hand and not on the fruit which that action is likely to bring for us. That does not mean that fruits will not come. Any action done with diligence is bound to give us good results but we do not have to be obsessive about fruits. The fourth tenet of Karma yoga is acceptance of whatever results come as God's 'prasad' (blessings). The fifth tenet of karma yoga is the absence of ego. The sixth tenet of Karma yoga is to share whatever fruits you have got in life with all others, whether it is money, knowledge or credit. It is also not in the spirit of Yagna to usurp larger share of earth's resources and excluding them from others.

Any activity done without 'selfishness', without 'carelessness' and 'ego', can become a Karma Yoga - a state of blissful action. That is Yagna as well.

The author is an IAS officer of Gujarat cadre

