
Inner Truth: As I Do, So Shall Others Do

"The need of the hour is to have an attitudinal change in the people who govern."

Inner Truth: As I Do, So Shall Others Do

It's always easy for anyone and everyone to advise or talk about values in politics, but unfortunately nobody till date has got to the real crux of this matter. Remember! A system is as good or bad as the men who make it.

Frankly speaking what is missing today is not a sound system but sound principles in our leaders. An ideal leader is one who thinks, "As I do so shall others do.". If they imbibe this value then they would be more careful in what they do.

Today the need of the hour is to have an attitudinal change in the people who govern, because ultimately all efforts at cleansing the system have to begin with value-based conduct by the leaders. Only then will our dream of a clean and efficient system get fulfilled.

Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji is a spiritual educator and columnist.

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