
Science an answer to quest for excellence

Five-day Hands-on Science 2009 to begin at Gujarat Science City today.

Science an answer to quest for excellence
The sixth edition of the international conference on Hands-on Science (HSCI 2009) will be held at the Gujarat Science City (GSC) from October 27. This year, the theme of the conference is ‘Science for All: Quest for Excellence’. The aim is to inculcate and enhance the culture of innovation and experimentation in modern societies and draw people’s interest to science.

The five-day event is being organised by the International Association Hands-on Science Network (HSCI Network) in cooperation with the International Centre for Science Communication (ICSC), National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC/ DST), Gujarat Council of Science City (GCSC), Institute of Management & Advanced Studies (IMAS) and Science Technology and Development Initiative (STAD).
Dr Louis Portugal; Dr AK Sharma, faculty, science journalism, Lucknow University; Dr Narottam Sahoo, Sr scientist, GSC; Abhaya Kothari, director, Manthan Educational Programme Society; Ashok Mehta, executive director, GSC and Tariq Badar, CSIR, New Delhi, were among the few dignitaries who gathered on Monday to promote the event.

“The inherent aim of the conference is to promote an open, broad and friendly exchange of experiences on best practices, syllabus, policy matters, social factors and learning of science. It will also include all other issues related to the theme and its generalisation and development,” said Sahoo.

He further said, “The conference calls for an increased involvement in hands-on investigative experiments and other innovative approaches in the classroom and in the widest range of informal context towards a better science education.”

The conference seeks to provide a platform to researchers, practitioners, educators and everyone involved in taking science and technology a step forward, and as such committed to the development of science. It will be for all those who wish to be together and move ahead towards achieving the goal of higher degree of innovativeness and science appreciation among the masses.

“I am really excited to be a part of such an eventful occasion. I am sure it will enhance my skills and knowledge on science which I can then pass on to my students,” said Akshat Mishra, intern, GSC.

