
IIT-K postpones launch of its dream satellite to 2010

Ruling out any link between the satellite's schedule with ISRO's Chandrayaan moon mission, Sanjay Govind Dhande,director, IIT-Kanpur said that the institute will complete the project on time.

IIT-K postpones launch of its dream satellite to 2010

The launch of IIT-K's ISRO funded dream project, nano satellite 'Jugnu' has been postponed to next year, director IIT-Kanpur said.

"The project designed by the students and the scientists of the institution was scheduled to be launched by the end of this year but now it has been rescheduled for some time between Jan-March next year," Sanjay Govind Dhande, director, IIT-Kanpur said today.

Ruling out any link between the satellite's schedule with ISRO's Chandrayaan moon mission, Dhande said the institute will complete the project on time. "The students engaged in the project are a bit dejected by the jolt faced by Chandrayaan but we hope that our project would not get delayed further," Dhande said.
The satellite weighing around five kilograms is 34 cm long and 10 cm broad and has been designed to collect information regarding flood and drought situations in the country. The project conceived in 2008 will be handed over to ISRO in November for final testing, he added.

