The whole world is left in a state of confusion as the State of the Union speech by President Biden was upstaged by an unusual moment involving the first lady, Jill Biden. The first lady, after sweeping into Congress to cheers, made her way over to the second gentleman, Doug Emhoff, and clasped his hand.


In a split second, they leaned in for a friendly embrace that appeared to be a kiss either on, or very close to, the lips. The moment quickly went viral, with many media outlets discussing whether or not it was a kiss on the lips. The New York Post declared it a "Smooch of the Union" and zoomed in on photos that appeared to show a kiss on the mouth.

However, other close-ups seemed to suggest that the kiss landed just to one side of the second gentleman's mouth, leaving the public in a state of confusion. Despite the confusion, the apparent slip-up was pounced upon by Fox News, a frequent critic of the Biden administration.

Donald Trump's former advisor, Kellyanne Conway, also shared a picture of the moment with delight and quipped that "Covid really is over." The joke was a reference to the fact that the embrace appeared to happen without masks, suggesting that the COVID-19 pandemic was coming to an end.

The "Smooch of the Union" has become a talking point and is sure to be remembered for years to come. It was a surreal moment that captured the attention of the nation, just as the president was about to deliver his State of the Union speech. The moment has raised questions about whether it was a kiss on the lips or not, but one thing is for sure, it has been a topic of discussion for many.

(With inputs from Agencies)

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