John Kirby, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, stated on Monday that it is "deeply concerning" to hear that Russian President Vladimir Putin is purportedly planning a coup in Moldova.


Vladimir Putin intended to use foreign saboteurs to destroy Moldova’s government and prevent her country from entering the European Union, Maia Sandu, the president of Moldova, made the comments. Putin is allegedly planning to utilise Moldova in a conflict with Ukraine, according to Sandu. 

"The [Russian] plan included sabotage and militarily trained people disguised as civilians to carry out violent actions, attacks on government buildings and taking hostages," Maia Sandu said. 

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She further added that their Ukrainian contacts have provided information on the locations and logistical details of arranging this subversive operation. The plan also calls for the use of non-natives in violent deeds.

Kirby said, "Deeply concerning reports. We absolutely stand with the Moldovan government and the Moldovan people. We haven't seen independent confirmation, but it's certainly a page right out of Putin's playbook." According to John Kirby, Vladimir Putin is capable of trying to stage a coup, despite the fact that the United States has not independently corroborated the reports.

Zelensky made remarks to EU leaders last week during the European Council session in Brussels, which Sandu brought up. The Ukrainian president claimed that his nation has gathered evidence of Kremlin ambitions to "destroy" Moldova.

However, Russia denied the charge and blamed Ukraine and said “such claims are completely unfounded and unsubstantiated.” Russia blames Ukraine for stirring tension between Russia and Moldova.