Belgium suffered a terrorist attacks on Tuesday leading to death of 34 people. The security level has been at the highest level since the attack. The security agencies are yet to find the masterminds behind the attack and the world, still in shock is putting together pieces of the episode. Here is what we know so far about the attack and its aftermath.


Update: Islamic State claims responsibility for Brussels attack. Read full report here.

-Multiple terror attack took place in Brussels, capital city of Belgium on Tuesday leading to deaths of 34 people and injuring over 150 

-The attacks took place at Brussels airport and a rush-hour metro train in the Belgian capital 

Ssecurity alerts were triggered across Europe and brought some cross-border traffic to a halt.

-As per eye-witness accounts, the bomber shouted in Arabic were heard and shots were fired shortly before two blasts struck a packed airport departure lounge at Brussels airport. 

-The federal prosecutor said one of the explosions was probably triggered by a suicide bomber.

 -The blasts occurred four days after the arrest in Brussels of a suspected participant in November militant attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. 

-The blasts occurred four days after the arrest in Brussels of a suspected participant in November militant attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. 

-One British national injured in Brussels explosions

-Belgian police and combat troops on the streets had been on alert for reprisal but the attacks took place in crowded areas where people and bags are not searched.

-All public transport in Brussels was shut down, as it was in London during 2005 islamist militant attacks there that killed 52.islamist militant attacks there that killed 52.

-All flights at Brussels airport stand cancelled for today

-Belgium PM Charles Michel condemned the episode calling it a black day and said that the country stands united against terrorism.

-David Cameron is to chair a meeting of the UK government’s emergency committee.

-French president François Hollande said about the attack. 

-President Barack Obama spoke by telephone on Tuesday with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel to offer his condolences and support after the attacks in Brussels that killed at least 34 people.

-Hillary Clinton said despite the deadly attacks in Brussels, acts of terror "will not succeed" and vowed to stand by America's European allies. 

-"It's a very sad day for Europe as Europe and its capital are suffering the same pain that this region has known every single day - plagued in Syria, plagued elsewhere, said  Federica Mogherini.

-'We fear that people are still at large': Belgian foreign minister after attacks.

-Police discovered non-exploded bomb belt at Brussels airport. Police also found assault rifle next to dead attacker at Brussels. Belgium police to detonate suspect package at Brussels airport.

-Doel and Tihange nuclear plant have been partially evacuated.

-Supporters of Islamic State praised Brussels attacks on social media.

-MEA confirmed that there were no reports of Indian casualties so far. However, two cabin crew of Jet airways were injured and in touch with embassy.

-Indian embassy is moving stranded Indian passengers away airport and arranging for food and accomodation.

-Jet Airways guests too are being shifted away from airport by authorities and food and accomodations arrangements are being made.

-It is being advised that calls to Emergency numbers be made via landline and use Whatsapp instead of calling via mobiles due to saturation of network. Find details on helpline numbers here.

With agency inputs.