Mar 1, 2024, 10:48 PM IST

Top 10 smartest people in the world

Sonali Sharma

Stephen Hawking (IQ: 160-170): He overcame depression and motor neuron disease to reinvent his academic career.

Edward Witten: String theory, M-theory, quantum gravity and super-symmetry.

Noam Chomsky: A cognitive scientist, philosopher and political observer

Manahel Thabet: This Yemeni scientist, economist and consultant is a part of the top 0.1% of highest IQs of the world.

Judit Polgár: Best female chess prayer in history! Polgar was a child prodigy, becoming a grandmaster at the age of 11, and at present, is the only chess player in the World Chess Federation’s Top 100 Players list.

Andrew Wiles: Award-winning English Mathematician, best known for proving Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1995

Grigori Perelman: This guy first makes landmark contributions in mathematics and then decides to leave it all together

John Sununu: A member of Mega Society, a society of people with really high IQ, Sununu, a mechanical engineer, after spending years as the dean of engineering for Massachusetts-based Tufts University, he became the Governor of New Hampshire, and then moved on to the White House as the Chief of Staff

Ruth Lawrence: A former child prodigy, this British mathematician made headlines in 1985 after obtaining a bachelor’s degree from Oxford University at 13 years of age

Magnus Carlsen: Meet the reigning World Chess Champion, Carlsen, who’s the youngest player to ever be ranked number one.