Mar 17, 2024, 12:00 AM IST

This nawab was a skilled Kathak dancer

Pavan Naidu

Kathak is a classical Indian dance form that holds a significant influence on India's cultural landscape. Originating from North India, Kathak is known for it's intricate footwork, graceful movements, and expressive storytelling.

With its roots in ancient Indian traditions, Kathak has evolved over centuries, blending elements of Persian and Mughal cultures.

Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, the last ruler of Awadh was known for his exquisite taste in arts and culture.

Besides his unwavering dedication to art, music, and poetry, he was also a skilled Kathak dancer.

His passion for Kathak transcended his royal duties, showcasing his dedication to the art form.

The Nawab's graceful movements and expressive storytelling through dance mesmerized audiences and left a lasting impact on the Kathak tradition.

The nawab's dedication to preserving and promoting Kathak helped elevate the art form to new heights, solidifying his legacy as a cultural icon.

It is believed that he choreographed a dance based on the moves of Kathak called, Rahas, and he danced himself with the women of his court.

Wajid Ali Shah’s patronage elevated Kathak dance in Lucknow. The King significantly echoed the importance of creativity in art, integrating dramatic, emotional, and literary elements. He brought Kathak to the forefront in the royal court and made it accessible to the common people.