Mar 16, 2024, 08:32 PM IST

This city was named after Alexander the Great's legendary horse

Shivam Verma

Boukephala City was named after Alexander the Great's legendary horse, Bucephalus.

Alexander founded the city in 326 BC during his campaign in the Indian subcontinent.

Bucephalus was Alexander's trusted companion and played a significant role in his military conquests.

Legend has it that Bucephalus was originally deemed untamable until a young Alexander successfully tamed him.

The city was reportedly founded near the site where Bucephalus died, honouring the memory of the revered horse.

Boukephala City served as a strategic military outpost and a testament to Alexander's admiration for his faithful steed.

The city's name reflects the deep bond between Alexander and Bucephalus, symbolising loyalty, and strength