Mar 3, 2024, 02:18 PM IST

Shah Jahan's unfinished dream: The black Taj Mahal

Mahipal Chouhan

Legendary Counterpart: The Black Taj Mahal was purportedly planned as a counterpart to the white Taj Mahal, with the intention of being constructed on the opposite bank of the Yamuna River from the existing monument in Agra, India.

Emperor Shah Jahan's Alleged Plan: According to the legend, Emperor Shah Jahan, who commissioned the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, envisioned the Black Taj Mahal as his own mausoleum.

Black Marble Construction: In the myth, it is believed that the Black Taj Mahal would be crafted from black marble or other dark-colored materials, providing a striking contrast to the white marble used for the Taj Mahal.

Mirror Image Design: The concept proposed that the Black Taj Mahal would mirror the Taj Mahal in terms of design, layout, and architectural features, maintaining identical proportions.

Bridge Connection: The two structures were rumored to be linked by a bridge, creating a symmetrical reflection in the Yamuna River and enhancing the visual impact of the ensemble.

Lack of Historical Evidence: Despite the intriguing narrative, there is a notable absence of historical evidence, architectural plans, or official records supporting the existence of a Black Taj Mahal project.

Tourist Attraction: Despite its fictional nature, the legend of the Black Taj Mahal continues to captivate the curiosity of some tourists visiting the Taj Mahal, leading them to inquire about this mythical counterpart.

In Summary: The Black Taj Mahal remains a legendary and mythical concept, lacking historical validation. It stands as a captivating element within the folklore and storytelling associated with the Taj Mahal and the Mughal era.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports