Mar 1, 2024, 03:00 PM IST

Know what is the difference between Naga and Aghori Sadhus

Varnika Srivastava

The word 'Naga' may originate from the Sanskrit word 'Naga', meaning'mountain' or 'hill', and refers to people living in North-East India. During the Magh Mela in Prayagraj, Aghori and Naga Sadhus both were seen in large numbers. 

The Sanskrit word Aghori, meaning 'towards the light' and being pure and free from evils, appears to contradict the lifestyle and methods of the Aghoris.

Naga monks reside in caves, performing penance in secret locations. They reside in Akhara's ashrams, temples, and caves in Himalayas, Kashi, Gujarat, and Uttarakhand. 

 Naga sadhus also take walking tours and build huts on village banks for fun. Their exact location is difficult to determine.

The cremation ground is home to the majority of Aghori. But a lot of Aghori also reside in remote places and caves.

Naga Sadhus must eat once daily and beg for alms from seven houses, ignoring preferences and consuming food with love, ensuring they remain hungry if no alms are obtained.

Aghoris admit to eating raw human flesh and body fluids, often from half-burnt dead bodies, to strengthen their Tantra power. This practice, unlike common people's disgust, is part of their spiritual practice.

Naga Sadhus are strictly prohibited from using beds, cots, or artificial beds, and sleep only on the ground, keeping their identity hidden.

Aghori, a sect of Hinduism, worship Shiva by meditating on the dead body, performing three types of sadhanas: Shava Sadhana, Shiva Sadhana, and crematorium Sadhana, where Havan is performed, offering meat and liquor to the dead body.