May 12, 2024, 10:27 AM IST

Fastest animals in world (land, air, & water)

Ritik Raj

Cheetah: The fastest land animal is the cheetah, which can reach brief sprint speeds of 60–70 mph (97–113 km/h).

Pronghorns: can reach speeds of up to 55 mph (88 km/h), which puts them second among land animals with the fastest reflexes.

Springboks: are distinguished by their remarkable leaping prowess and top speed of 55 mph (88 km/h).

Peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in level flight, reaching dives of over 240 mph (386 km/h) to capture prey.

Frigatebirds: One of the swiftest birds, the frigatebird can fly at up to 95 mph (153 km/h) on level ground.

Sailfish: With a maximum swimming speed of 68 mph (110 km/h), sailfish are the fastest fish in the sea.

Black marlin: With a top speed of 82 mph (132 km/h), the black marlin is renowned for its extraordinary strength and speed.