Apr 16, 2024, 11:23 AM IST

Cobra vs King Cobra: Which is more dangerous?

Pravrajya Suruchi

Size: King Cobras are the undisputed heavyweight champions. They can grow up to 18 feet long, while Cobras typically range from 2 to 10 feet.

Venom Power: King Cobras pack a more potent punch. Their venom is highly neurotoxic and can kill an elephant in a few hours, while Cobra venom, though dangerous, is less potent.

Venom Quantity: Not just stronger, King Cobras deliver a larger dose. They can inject a significant amount of venom in a single bite, increasing the severity of envenomation.

Dietary Differences: Most Cobras are generalist feeders, but King Cobras are specialized eaters, primarily preying on other snakes, including Cobras! 

Aggression Levels: While both are venomous and potentially dangerous, King Cobras are generally considered more aggressive.

Habitat: King Cobras inhabit dense forests, where encounters might be less frequent. Cobras can be found in more diverse habitats, including areas closer to human settlements.

Disclaimer: Both Cobras and King Cobras are dangerous snakes. It's crucial to maintain a safe distance from any venomous snake and seek medical attention immediately in case of a bite.