May 19, 2024, 06:56 AM IST

9 easy college degrees that can help you earn well

Pravrajya Suruchi

Business Administration: This versatile degree provides a broad foundation in business fundamentals like accounting, marketing, finance, and management.

Human Resources Management: This program equips you with the skills to handle people within organizations. HR professionals are in high demand as they manage recruitment, training, and employee relations.

Marketing: A marketing degree delves into consumer behavior, marketing strategies, and product/service promotion. These skills are applicable across industries.

Information Technology (IT): The IT sector is booming, and there's a constant need for skilled professionals.

Healthcare Administration: Focused on the business side of healthcare, this degree prepares you for managing hospitals, clinics, or other medical facilities.

Criminal Justice: Criminal justice programs delve into law enforcement, legal systems, and corrections. This degree can lead to careers in probation and law enforcement.

Associate's Degree in Business or Technology: These two-year programs can equip you with job-ready skills in specific areas.

Vocational Training/Certification Programs: While not technically college degrees, vocational training or certificate programs provide targeted skills.

Disclaimer: This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports