May 8, 2024, 06:51 PM IST

8 smallest birds world across the world

Varnika Srivastava

The bee hummingbird, the world's smallest bird, measures 5.5cm in length and is the smallest warm-blooded vertebrate.

Bee hummingbird 

Esmeraldas woodstar, a rare hummingbird species in west Ecuador, has an estimated population of 1000-2,700 mature individuals, but habitat loss is causing its decline

Esmeraldas Woodstar 

The calliope hummingbird, the smallest native bird of the US and Canada, eats nectar and small insects, named after Greek muse Calliope, whose call is a high-pitched zing noise.

Calliope hummingbird 

The southwestern United States and Mexico are home to the striking hummingbird, with males displaying a vibrant purple cap and throat, resembling an angry plum.

Costa’s Hummingbird

An Indian subcontinent bird, olive-green, forms a mutually beneficial relationship with the mistletoe species Dendrophthoe falcata, pollinating and aiding in seed dispersal in exchange for mistletoe berries.

Pale-billed flowerpecker 

High in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and supports the immune system during times of stress.


This passerine species, found in southern Africa, constructs nests using soft materials like spider webs, sheep's wool, and plant fibers, with multiple entrances for protection.

Cape penduline tit 

The UK's smallest bird, regulus, is renowned as 'king of the birds' due to its bright orange/yellow plumage and ability to lay up to 12 eggs.


This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports