May 1, 2024, 04:35 PM IST

8 images of other galaxies closest to Milky Way

Pravrajya Suruchi

NCG 1448 is another galaxy with a supermassive blackhole at its centre, shrouded bydust and gas.

Galaxy M94 lies in the constellation of the Hunting Dogs, 16 million light-years away. 

This is called as the Needle Galaxy.

NGC 6744 swirling 30 million light-years away in the constellation of Pavo. 

Pinwheel Galaxy lies 21 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.

The Antennae Galaxies are filled with black holes and neutron stars speeding up the evolution of stars.

This beautiful barred spiral galaxy is very active - three supernovae have been observed since 1992.

The Camelopardalis constellation is home to this galaxy, known as Caldwell 5.

Source: NASA