May 24, 2024, 06:07 PM IST

7 weakest animals in the world

Shivam Verma

Sloths: Known for their extremely slow movements, sloths have poor muscle development, making them easy prey.

Krill: These small marine crustaceans are a crucial part of the oceanic food web but are weak and have minimal defence mechanisms.

Leafcutter Ants: While strong as a colony, individual leafcutter ants are small and defenceless, easily falling prey to larger insects, birds, and other predators.

Earthworms: Lacking any physical defences, earthworms are highly vulnerable to birds, moles, and other ground-feeding animals.

Bumblebees: Although they can sting, bumblebees are generally non-aggressive and have short lifespans. Many die due to environmental factors, predators, and human activities.

Moths: As nocturnal insects, moths are often preyed upon by birds, bats, and other nocturnal predators.

Starfish: These echinoderms have slow movement and limited defence mechanisms. Their primary strategy is regeneration; if a predator eats part of them, they can often regrow it.