Feb 29, 2024, 04:21 PM IST

7 reasons why Mughal rule flourished under Aurangzeb's reign

Mahipal Chouhan

Military Expansion: Aurangzeb was an ambitious military leader who significantly expanded the territorial boundaries of the Mughal Empire. He conducted numerous military campaigns to annex new territories and suppress rebellions, thereby consolidating Mughal authority over a vast region of the Indian subcontinent.

Administrative Reforms: Aurangzeb implemented administrative reforms aimed at improving governance and strengthening the administrative machinery of the empire. He appointed capable administrators and governors to efficiently manage different regions, ensuring effective governance and revenue collection.

Economic Policies: Aurangzeb implemented various economic policies to stimulate economic growth and prosperity within the empire. He encouraged trade and commerce, invested in infrastructure development such as roads and bridges, and promoted agriculture through land grants and irrigation projects.

Infrastructure Development: Aurangzeb invested in the development of infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and water systems, which facilitated trade, communication, and agricultural productivity. These infrastructure developments played a crucial role in the overall prosperity of the empire.

Centralized Authority: Aurangzeb maintained strong centralized authority over the Mughal Empire, which helped in enforcing law and order, ensuring stability, and preventing internal strife. His firm leadership and efficient administration contributed to the overall prosperity and coherence of the empire.

Continuation of Mughal Legacy: Aurangzeb inherited a well-established empire with a rich legacy of governance, culture, and military prowess from his predecessors. He built upon this legacy and further strengthened the foundations of the Mughal Empire, contributing to its flourishing during his reign.

Stability in Revenue Collection: Aurangzeb implemented reforms to streamline revenue collection and ensure a steady flow of income to the imperial treasury. By strengthening the fiscal administration and curbing corruption, he maintained financial stability, which supported the empire's military campaigns, infrastructure projects, and administrative expenses.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports