Mar 4, 2024, 10:26 PM IST

7 animals that have a sense of humour

Shivam Verma

Chimpanzees: These primates exhibit behaviours similar to humans, including laughter-like vocalisations and playful interactions within their social groups.

Crows: They are highly intelligent and have been observed engaging in playful behaviours like sliding down snow-covered rooftops or playing with objects.

Dolphins: Known for their playful nature, dolphins often engage in acrobatic displays and games with each other and with objects in their environment.

Otters: Otters are famous for their playful behaviour, including sliding down muddy banks, playing with objects, and engaging in mock fights.

Elephants: Elephants have been observed engaging in playful behaviours such as spraying water, tossing objects, and engaging in social games with each other.

Dogs: Many dog breeds are known for their playful demeanour, engaging in activities like fetching, chasing, and play-fighting with other dogs and humans.

Octopuses: Octopuses are highly intelligent and have been observed playing with objects and engaging in elaborate hunting games in captivity.