May 13, 2024, 10:46 AM IST

7 animals that can survive in extreme hot weather

Shivam Verma

Found in the Sahara Desert, fennec foxes have large ears that help dissipate heat, allowing them to survive in extremely hot conditions.

Known as the "ships of the desert," camels are well-adapted to hot, arid climates. They can withstand high temperatures and conserve water efficiently.

Desert Tortoises have evolved to thrive in hot desert environments by digging burrows to escape the intense heat during the day.

Native to Australia's desert regions, the thorny devil has a unique skin texture covered in spines that helps it collect water from dew and channel it towards its mouth.

Found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico, Gila monsters have adapted to hot desert climates and are most active during the cooler parts of the day.

Kangaroo rats are found in arid regions of North America. They have specialised kidneys that enable them to survive without drinking water for long periods by extracting moisture from their food.

Native to the Arabian Peninsula, the Arabian oryx is well-adapted to hot desert environments.