May 24, 2024, 06:25 PM IST

10 toothless land creatures

Mahipal Chouhan

Giant Anteater: Anteaters don't have teeth but instead have a long, sticky tongue to catch ants and termites.

Pangolin: These scaly mammals have no teeth. They use their sticky tongues to slurp up ants and termites.

Manatee: Manatees are herbivores and have a few molars, but no front teeth.

Sloth: Sloths have very few teeth, if any, and they mainly eat leaves and vegetation.

Aardvark: Aardvarks have peg-like teeth at the front of their mouths but lack teeth further back. They primarily eat ants and termites.

Babirusa: Babirusas have long, curved tusks protruding from their snouts but lack visible teeth. They mainly feed on fruits, leaves, and roots.

Kangaroo: Kangaroos have a few molars for grinding tough vegetation but lack front teeth. They use their strong jaws to tear grasses and leaves.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports