Feb 24, 2024, 10:10 AM IST

10 stunning photos of planets captured by NASA

Ritik Raj

Here are a few of the breathtaking images of planets that the US space agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), has shared.

Earth's western hemisphere is depicted in this image taken by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES); the continents are coloured green and brown, the oceans are blue, and snow and clouds are white.

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, the first to study Pluto up close, took this close-up picture of the planet. The image displays red, white, tan, and orange craters and cracks on Pluto's surface. 

Large storms can be seen swirling and churning in the planet's gaseous atmosphere in this close-up NASA image of Jupiter's northern hemisphere, which is coloured blue, tan, and white.

NASA's Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft took this luminous image of Mercury, which features opaque minerals in a dark blue hue and youthful craters on the planet.

At a distance of 690,000 miles, NASA's Cassini spacecraft took this picture of Saturn in 2008. It displays the planet's rings on both sides of the frame.

Large reddish-brown mud cracks can be seen on the surface of Mars in this image; these cracks are thought to have originated during the planet's protracted cycles of wet and dry weather. 

NASA's Mariner 10 spacecraft took this picture of Venus, which features white swirls blending with tan and reddish tones.

The Voyager 2 spacecraft of NASA took this image of Neptune at a distance of 4.4 million miles from the planet.

NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft captured this image of Uranus in 1986; the methane-rich atmosphere of the planet is responsible for its blue-green hue.