May 29, 2024, 10:09 PM IST

10 jaw-dropping images of distinct galaxies captured by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope

Shweta Singh

The Pillars of Creation, 6,500 light-years away in the Eagle Nebula, became famous after the Hubble Space Telescope captured them in 1995. They remain a Milky Way.

The Pillars of Creation

Spiral galaxies, including our Milky Way, are common in the universe. Recently, JWST surveyed 19 spiral galaxies, revealing detailed anatomy with glowing dust clouds in infrared light, appearing red and orange.

A spectacular spiral

When newborn star HH 211, 1,000 light-years away in the Perseus constellation, ejects supersonic gas and dust, it creates shockwaves resembling "lightsabers." Researchers believe our sun looked similar billions of years ago.


A burst of color marks the stellar nursery N79 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. This 1,630-light-year-wide nebula features interstellar hydrogen clouds and is actively forming stars, yet remains largely unexplored by astronomers.

A vibrant nursery

JWST's debut image is the deepest and most detailed of the universe, featuring a bright galaxy cluster that magnifies light from stars over 13 billion light-years away, with thousands of younger galaxies in the background.

 Webb's deep field 

The "Phantom Galaxy," a grand design spiral with prominent arms, swirls through space 32 million light-years from Earth, resembling a celestial nautilus shell.

The 'Phantom Galaxy'

One of JWST's debut images captures the Carina Nebula, 7,600 light-years away. Illuminated by the radiation of newborn stars, it's one of the most active star-forming regions known.

'Mountains' of the Carina Nebula

Stephan's Quintet, 290 million light-years away in the Pegasus constellation, features five tightly-bound galaxies. Four of them engage in near-collisions, warping and stretching stars in a cosmic dance.

Stephan's quintet

The Cartwheel Galaxy, 500 million light-years away in Sculptor, exhibits a distinctive ring structure resulting from a previous collision, fascinating astronomers with its complex evolution.

The Cartwheel Galaxy