Apr 24, 2024, 11:15 PM IST

9 animals with unique parenting styles

Shweta Singh

Orangutans have one of the longest childhoods in the animal kingdom. They stay with their mothers for up to eight years, learning various skills and behaviors crucial for survival.


Male emperor penguins incubate the egg while balancing it on their feet in the harsh Antarctic winter, enduring extreme cold and hunger until the female returns from hunting.

Emperor Penguins

Female alligators construct nests out of vegetation, lay their eggs, and guard them fiercely. After hatching, the mother helps the hatchlings to water and may even carry them in her mouth.


Elephants have a complex matriarchal society where females lead and teach the younger generations essential behaviors and survival skills.

African Elephants

Kangaroos have a unique reproductive system where females can nurse two joeys of different ages at the same time: one in the pouch and one outside, continuing to provide milk tailored to each joey's needs.


Female octopuses lay thousands of eggs in a den and guard them vigilantly, sometimes going without food until they hatch. Once the eggs hatch, the female usually dies, as she stops eating during the entire brooding period.


Female wolf spiders carry their egg sacs attached to their spinnerets until the spiderlings hatch, at which point they carry them on their abdomen until they can fend for themselves.

Wolf Spiders

Marmoset fathers take an active role in parenting by carrying and grooming their offspring, as well as sharing food with them. This behavior is rare among primates.
