Aug 20, 2023, 02:58 PM IST

10 Animals that defy gravity by walking on water

Mahipal Chouhan

While animals don't truly "walk" on water like humans do on land, there are several creatures that have evolved specialized adaptations that allow them to move on the water's surface.

Jesus Christ Lizard (Basilisk Lizard): This lizard is known for its ability to run on the surface of water for short distances due to its large hind feet and flaps of skin between its toes.

Water Striders: These insects, also called pond skaters, use the surface tension of water to "skate" on top of it, thanks to their long, hydrophobic legs.

Whirligig Beetles: These beetles have two different sets of eyes, allowing them to see both above and below the water's surface. They use their middle and hind legs to create a whirling motion on the water.

Diving Bell Spider: This spider constructs a web-like structure underwater that it fills with air, allowing it to live and hunt below the surface. It can walk on the water's surface while staying submerged.

Water Walking Stick: This insect resembles a stick and has hydrophobic legs that help it stay afloat on water bodies.

Fisherman Spider: Found in Australia, this spider uses its long legs to move on the surface of the water to catch small aquatic insects.

Broad-Clubbed Damselfly: The larvae of this damselfly use specialized structures on their legs to help them crawl on the water's surface while hunting for prey.

Pygmy Water Boatman: These insects have oar-like legs that they use to paddle on the water's surface, moving in a distinctive backstroke motion.

Water Measurer: This small insect uses its long, slender legs to delicately move on the water's surface, often found in calm, still waters.

Marsh Treader: These insects use their hydrophobic legs to tread on the water's surface in marshy environments, hunting for small aquatic prey.